
What is Liquid Protein?

 Liquid Power 

Protein is essential for the human body. It strengthens and repairs our muscles, supports our joints, and provides the nutrients our bodies need to function properly. Without protein, our bodies will be fragile, weak, and sore, constantly fatigued, and prone to a compromised immune system. That’s why protein consumption, regardless of its physical form, is crucial for our bodies.

It’s likely that most of us consume protein in its solid form and choose protein-rich sources such as eggs, chicken, beans, beef, cheese, and nuts There are also protein bars and other solid supplements that also contain high amounts of protein. In the average diet, it's fairly easy to consume sufficient amounts of protein based solely on the solid foods we eat. But in certain instances, opting for a liquid protein source can prove to be more beneficial and is a preferred delivery method that won’t sacrifice the nutrients or minerals as found in solid protein forms. 

Liquid protein is, as the name suggests, protein in its liquid form; it’s protein you can drink, rather than chew and eat. Liquid protein can be drinkable yogurt and milk, as well as shakes and supplements. Depending on the type of liquid protein you’re consuming, the amount of protein can be the same as consuming a solid type of protein. It’s important to take into consideration other factors such as fat, carbohydrate, and any other essential mineral to ensure that the liquid protein you’re choosing is the best choice for your diet.

 When Should I Take Liquid Protein? 

Although you can consume or supplement with liquid protein as you desire (or as discussed with your healthcare professional), there are certain instances where it is the ideal choice. If you are undergoing or recovering from surgery, it’s likely that your body won’t tolerate a large amount of solid food that would provide the body with all essential nutrients. In these instances, opting for a liquid protein source that has all essential and non-essential amino acids can keep you strong, repairing your tissue and supplying your organs with the protein it needs to fully recover. 

Individuals who are preparing or recovering from weight loss surgery might also benefit from liquid protein, as they would be required to follow a liquid diet that provides their bodies with the nutrients and minerals their bodies need to make a successful recovery. Endurance athletes, individuals who have trouble swallowing, individuals that don’t consume sufficient amounts of protein, or those that need to improve their nutrition can also benefit from a liquid protein source.

When deciding how to get your daily protein in its important to consider the protein source or where the protein comes from. Ideally, a protein that provides all essential amino acids and contains important minerals or nutrients would beat a source that is high in fat, sugars, or refined carbs. It’s also key to determine when you’re going to be consuming protein – if you’re looking for a quick protein boost or are seriously injured and need protein for recovery, you can opt for a liquid protein source that checks all the boxes. However, if you don’t need to, don’t skip your chicken and eggs. Try to keep a balanced diet fueled by both liquid and solid protein sources. 


