Amino Acids and Their Role in the Human Body

Proteins are composed of amino acids. When protein are digested or broken down, amino acids is technically all that is left. Amino acids help the body grow, repair tissue, provide energy, break down food, and perform other bodily functions. 

Amino acids are classified as essential and nonessential. Non essential amino acids are those that the body can naturally produce or synthesize. Some of these amino acids are classified as “conditionally essential” as they must be obtained from the diet during illnesses or health problems. On the other hand, essential amino acids are those that the body cannot produce and must be obtained through diet. These 20 amino acids are classified as follows: 


Alanine, arginine, asparagine, aspartate, cysteine, glutamic acid, glutamine, glycine, proline, serine and tyrosine.


Histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. 

Essential Amino Acids

Each amino acid has a particular function in the human body. Together, they provide the body with numerous health benefits. 


Histidine is needed for growth and for tissue repair. Histidine also helps maintain the myelin sheath, which is the covering over nerve cells. The body uses histidine to create histamine, which is essential for immunity. Histidine deficiency can cause anemia .


Isoleucine, present in muscle tissue, helps regulate energy levels and is needed for wound healing, hormone production, and immunity. Isoleucine deficiency can cause muscle wasting.


Leucine helps regulate blood sugar levels, aids in the repair of muscles, and is necessary for wound healing and the production of hormones. Leucine deficiency may lead to skin rashes and hair loss.


Lysine helps build muscle, maintain bone strength, recover from injuries, and regulate hormones and antibodies.


Methionine: Methionine is vital for the health of skin, nails, and hair. It also helps remove heavy metals, such as lead and mercury, from the body.


Phenylalanine helps the body use other amino acids and proteins. Phenylalanine is converted into tyrosine, which is vital for certain brain functions.


Threonine is a component of collagen. It is necessary for healthy skin and teeth, and helps aid metabolism.


Tryptophan helps form serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin regulates appetite, while melatonin regulates sleep.


Valine is vital for mental focus and muscle coordination. Deficiency may cause reduced mental function and insomnia.

Proteinex: Source of All Essential and Non Essential Amino Acids

Eating a healthy diet is probably the best way to supply your body with the amino acids it needs. However, going through surgery or illness can affect the absorption of protein and the adequate amount your body needs to maintain strong and healthy. Our bodies need these amino acids to break down food, repair tissues, and build muscle. Deficiency of one or more amino acids can have serious side effects, especially if going through treatment that alter the body’s composition.

Proteinex is a source of hydrolyzed liquid protein that contains all essential and non essential amino acids in a small serving size. By being hydrolyzed, the protein is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream allowing for immediate protein use. Proteinex is recommended for individuals that require an additional source of protein due to restricted diets or surgery or treatments that limit protein absorption.